Doodle has passed away. This was shocking, but not completely unexpected. As you know, Doodle was almost two years old, which is around when a hamster becomes a senior. I got Doodle on August 13, 2019 and he passed on February 8, 2020. May he rest in peace.

The night before, I had not been able to find Doodle in his cage. Usually, when I ruffle the bedding a little, he would poke his head out to come and see me, but on that night, he didn’t. I started panicking, and kept looking for him. When I finally found him under the wheel, he was sleeping peacefully. I picked him up and started to calm down as he slept in my hand. He woke up and drowsily ate a treat while I continued to pet him. He seemed happy, but the fact that this is not his personality was nagging at my mind. Doodle is a very active hamster and him sleeping in my hand is something that would never happen, unless he was sick. When I went to bed that night, I laid him down in his bedding, where he would be warm from the winter chill.

The next morning, I woke and immediately went to check on Doodle. When I found him, he was in the exact spot where I had left him the night before, only in a slightly different position. He was laying almost on his side with his head out in front of him, but he wasn’t breathing. I knew then, at that moment that he had passed away.
Doodle had a loving, active personality and he will always be remembered.
Some of Doodle’s Favorites
- Vegetable- Broccoli
- Toy- His wheel
- Time of day- Around 8-10 pm
- Cheek pouch- Right
- Activity- Scatter-Feeding and snuggling
- Treat- Oats
Some things about Doodle
- He likes climbing more than burrowing
- He is not nocturnal
- He likes being petted right behind his head and on his sides.
- He’s great at mazes
- He has a good nose
- He’s really fast
